Prove em wrong

The intentions of those around you can be completely different than yours. It’s important to be careful of those who pretend to want to see you succeed but their intentions are to see you fail. Surround yourself with positive energy and real love. Surround yourself with people who want to work on a better you and perfect your craft . Understand that you are also a work and progress and find people who are willing to figure it out with you . Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t understand your worth .

i love you…. lol. is it that simple? Can these words heal or mend something. I’m definitely a believer that love can heal and fix most things but the love has to be neural .It sucks to wake up and the one you loved no longer loves you. It sucks thinking that eventually the future you wanted with them they will  have with someone else.

A feeling or choice..

Love is definitely a four letter word that we all ultimately want to fulfill. It’s impossible to avoid but easy to ignore. With each interaction we are logical processing if we like this person or not. Consciously, thinking before our actions right up to the point of love. So, we choose who we date and also love.

Lies, turned into truth.

Who we are as individuals, is far more valuable than anything I know. Each individual has distinct factors that makes them uniquely modified as themselves. Our character, morals and values are questioned when we are not meeting societies standards.

Society pushes quotas, reminders and standards of who to be. From race, size, religion, health, age, beauty and the list goes on. If we don’t make the cut than we are stigmatized and marginalized. It is very important to understand that we are the dictators of our futures and capabilities, No one else is.

I named this “Lies, turned into truth “ because what lies within us is OUR own truth of who we are!

The circle of Life

Society is full of ideals and expectations of what YOUR life should be like. And to be completely honest they are bullsh*t ! Nobody can literally sit at home and map their lives from beginning and end verbatim. Life is full of unexpected moments and can impact lives positively or negatively. A person should not be under scrutiny for unknowing consequences after making a life decision.

The Display of Love

In life identifying with love and some type of relationship is very important. There is a lot of emotional bonds that take place within relationships to strengthen it or weaken it. Also the love that people establish within themselves can be a reflection of what they have received. The love we have received or didn’t can really affect an individual greatly. It can change an individual perception and style of love dramatically.

Society is Rigid

The social structure of society is male dominated. A lot of individuals are cautious when labeling themselves a “Feminist .” In my opinion to be a feminist you do not have to be a women. Men are often feminist as well because they believe in the meaning of equality for all genders. It can be a common feeling for some women to feel power-less to a man because that’s a social norm. A man is looked at as dominant / strong and a woman is fragile / emotional.

Is your name appropriate enough?

Image result for black names

In today’s society discrimination is very common among individuals, its also common in the work place. A person can be discriminated before even being interviewed for the position. In some cases companies believe their able to distinguish a persons race by first name bases. This is a form of racial profiling by using stereotypes that white and black individuals have certain names they go by. The names are used to separate and trying to distinguish which race has “normal” names. In some black societies the names such as Lakisha, Shaniqua and Daquan are considered ghetto names. These names are not looked at as normal because names such as Kelly, Rebecca and George are more acceptable in society.

Observation or Judgement?

Image result for judgement vs observation

Racism is a major issue and it still has a powerful impact on people. Its all about people perspectives of what race really is. In this day in age the color of your skin is very important. The first impression is always appearance. You observe the person based off what you see and their color will be one of them. In some cases once you see them and their appearance you judge them based off what you think. This is how stereotypes and racism is formed. The color of someone skin can be a social indicator of where that person lives or you can assume their social status.

For an EXAMPLE: If someone would see a African American individual walking in a poor neighborhood, they would assume this is where they lived or grew up. It almost common for them to also insinuate that since they are in this poor neighborhood, they are poor. This is not an observation, it is a Judgement.

Supply and Demand

There is an unequal distribution of resources and the lack of provision to those who are less fortunate. The less fortunate are those who lack education, acceptable social status and proper medical care. These people are not looked after and are usually forgotten because people in power only look out for those who monopolize their money.

The lack of education, occupation and medical care can affect someone’s life very greatly. As an American there should resources helping to assist people in need for these things. There is a need for more well-equipped programs for those who need more assistance. The poverty rate is extremely high and also they have a high chance of dying because of lack of medical attention. The only way a person can divert from poverty is to gain social mobility upward which is referring to a higher ranking or status in society.

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